Sunday, January 31, 2010


I will like to respond to Michelle's thoughtful and funny post at a later time. For now I will just leave you with this:

(If you are wondering how we came across it, we bought a ski jacket for me today. The brand is Marmot. I asked Thomas to show me what a marmot is and we found the video.)

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Break's over.

OK, everyone. The holidays are over and it's time to get back into the swing of things. I got this blog going the first time and I fully intend to do it again right now. And I've got just the topics - one fun question and one meaningful question.

1. Married birthdays.

First off, they're the best hands-down.
Secondly, now that we've all had a married birthday (R and I finally caught up to the newlywed summer babies), share one of your favorite birthday moments - a thoughtful gift or funny story.

Here's mine-

On his way out the door the morning of my birthday (and he hadn't mentioned my birthday, maybe because he forgot?)-
R: "You are bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh." (a common term of endearment from Rob)
M: "Can bone of your bone and flesh of your flesh go get coffee this morning to celebrate her flesh's birthday?"

HA. I don't know why that was so funny to me. Maybe because it was a homerun coffee-scoring morning. :)

Second topic- can you share something practical that your spouse does regularly to care for your spiritual well-being? I realize that's a pretty broad, "church-y", perhaps personal topic. But one of the things I've found most helpful this holiday season was our many conversations about money - how to budget, how to save, how to spend, how to think, how to share, etc. - and I think I would glean equal encouragement and learning from your examples of this. Even if it's just a "normal," "right" answer, I'd be interested to hear your experience with that answer.

I won't go first on this one, primarily because my lunchbreak is over. :)

Thanks for keeping me company and thanks in advance for answering my I KNOW you ALL WILL... :)