Saturday, March 13, 2010

Don't Call It a Comeback

Well, I know the Eldars have been somewhat MIA on the blog, so I thought I'd catch everyone up to date on what has been going on around here lately and what has been filling up the time I might have spent posting on the blog. (I'll try to put it in roughly chronological order.)
  1. I started writing lots of telescope control software.
  2. Band of Brothers (recorded from SpikeTV)
  3. Christmas, New Years, and the time in between
  4. I upgraded to Mythbuntu 9.10 and had to reconfigure my MythTV as a result.
  5. My main computer, Thorondor, began to die.
  6. I read two Malcom Caldwell books. (I'll get it back to you, Rob.)
  7. Duck season continued, ended.
  8. I saw it snow on Broadway.
  9. Chandra started working at church part-time.
  10. The neighbors' dog chewed up the wiring on Paul's boat trailer.
  11. BU men's basketball became relevant.
  12. I lost my wedding ring in the snow in the back yard.
  13. Thomas taught us Sunday School.
  14. I rebuilt Thorondor and renamed it FĂ«anor.
  15. I almost ran over a goat on I-35.
I guess that pretty much sums it up. I'll be sure to provide another update around Thanksgiving. Chandra may or may not get around to posting this year...probably not.

How to Make Texan Pasta

Well, technically speaking, the pasta itself is still pretty much what it's always been, but the presentation is definitely sorta Texan. Faced with another Friday night "what do we have on hand" menu decision, I took some inspiration from the awesome Robb Walsh at the Houston Press and mixed and matched something together, as follows.

Take some bbq sausage links and dice it up into discs or chunks (depending on your preference), and pan saute in olive oil with some coarsely chopped garlic cloves (garlic fiend that I am, I used about five cloves). Once the sausage is browned, deglaze the pan with some white wine and reduce by half. Add some generous handfuls of arugula and diced green onion and let those saute for a while. Remove from heat and add some cooked pasta of any shape or size, along with at least a cup of good Parmesan. Finish with some salt and pepper and you're done!

Perfect end of the week comfort food, especially when served with a spicy red wine. Equally perfect as fuel for a night of hanging pictures in your new apartment. :)