Thursday, September 17, 2009

That's Entertainment!

As I anticipated, Michelle and I have a lot more in common when it comes to movies and tv shows than you would expect. Sure, I like low-brow comedy and slapstick horror as much as any mid-to-late twenties American male might be expected to, but that doesn't mean that I'm going to subject my darling wife to The Hangover any time soon. Where did we find common ground?

  1. Friday Night Lights. The combination of lantern-jawed football action and family drama works remarkably well. The documentary style reinforces the reality that this is the most accurate depiction of small-town Texas that's ever been on TV. Major bonus points for the realistic, caring way that Coach Taylor and his wife, Tami, interact. No fake drama, just the sorts of stuff that real couples bicker (and make up) over.
  2. Arrested Development. Oh the dearly departed Bluths! We've just recently finished watching the whole series, and all of my little throwaway quotes from it are starting to register now. The downside is that Michelle is finally realizing that I'm not actually funny, I'm just plagarizing.
  3. Mad Men. This chronicle of the ups and downs of a 1960's ad agency is one of the most cinematic shows on tv, and it looks lush and detailed every week. Because all of the characters are so deeply flawed, you're more often than not rooting for redemption or humility rather than mere success. Always leads to good discussions and should always be accompanied by a fancy drink.
  4. 30 Rock. The logical successor to Arrested Development has some of the sharpest comedy writing on tv, supported by a core group of talented actors. Each episode is worth rewatching just for the jokes that you didn't catch the first time through.

We haven't really been to the movies much since we got married (Up and 500 Days of Summer are the only exceptions) but I'm sure that if we go see films that are like the aforementioned series, we'll be fine.

What are everyone elses shared shows? Guilty pleasures are GREATLY encouraged.

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